Thursday, November 02, 2006

Continued Studies - 03/10/2006



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


Here it is again, as I read on in this analysis of "The Spirit Of Laws," the mention of education and its importance to the functioning of and within that mechanism efficiently.

Immediately I raise question with myself pertaining to the form of despotism and degradation which occurs within educational institutions and systems - not unlike that which occurs in many governments. It seems that once a certain pattern is struck within the workings, that things begin to decline. Especially given the leanings toward maintaining the contradiction within modern education of actually discouraging it for what ever reasons - even and especially within the learning institutions.

This poses an interesting problem. That of maintaining the necessary level of knowledge and insight for which to efficiently maintain the prosperity which has been achieved and as well maintaining a certain amount of ignorance for the purpose as well of maintaining that efficiency. this may sound derogatory at first, but once it is considered in a real sense, other things come to light. For instance, the ability to enjoy that prosperity does not (and should not) require in-depth education.

The involvement, intimately with that mechanism does require an understanding (not necessarily a "higher education") of it and its workings. That understanding is much of what is being ignored (pushed aside for other things) as being imperative through the modern and seemingly automated elements of and within that larger mechanism.

The understanding which is required for efficiency and true worth within it, is obviously not attained in the "commercial" world farther than finding which "buttons to push" for a desired result from the non human elements of the modern version. this is easily a provable statement in considering how common the dynamic of corporate structuring is in the want to maintain a lesser importance "below" yourself within it, of those considered "below" yourself so to speak. (this may be a considerable contributor to the larger loss of information as well).

Essentially the "understanding" has been failed to be conveyed beyond that topical idea of a hierarchical structure and power placement. this meaning "understanding" beyond knowing the "action/reaction" aspects of many things, including asking too many questions.

This as well, from my observation, has acted as an "extended" reason to subdue actual understanding within education. As a point to clarify my stance on this, I will state that I can see the necessity of insuring some stability and consistency within the motion of society - but again, I do not necessarily see maintaining a very narrow, hierarchical and "linear" structure as being the most mandatory nor trustworthy path. Especially given the newer developments within that "commerce/power" union and the tendencies within it as well as with modern communications advance.

Further as can be seen in our modern atmosphere - such a standard as removing pertinent understanding in such large amounts, and especially from those minds of "future leaders," leaves society in quite the lurch as well as further and further dependent on that ever narrowing, hierarchical structure. then further, blindly dependent on the automated and un-human elements having been fitted to that larger mechanism we know as "representative democracy."

It threatens to leave the very concept un-tended. Even un-exercised beyond those topical measures I have described.

As per "un-tended" - I do realize that much of the efficiency of said mechanism is in not weighting it down with over bearing effort. Such statement as "un-tended" is not meant to infringe upon those healthy aspects - but to describe the abandonment of others.

Further, such a direction is steadily reshaping positions within the workings, to nothing much more than celebrity. Especially given the growing rate in loss of actual understanding.

It is a "sticky" subject when a person begins to address the real effect of real education.

Historically the populous in societies were kept un-informed so as to avoid upheavals and disruptions - even revolutions. Now such is done with various types of distraction to achieve the same or similar effect within the efficiency of information exchange and communications. Instead of keeping information from the public, more is actually put into it much in the effort of said distraction.

What is sad about our modern day is that the media is just as plausible a motivator for such ends as said disruptions and even revolutions.... but as noted, even those are a welcomed part of the added (more so amplified) tool of distraction.

This then becomes a trade off of sorts... finding greater efficiency in the lack of education, but as well finding a higher danger level in the same lack. That "populous" in the atmosphere of the modern media can be "motivated" and "mobilized" even more readily and further no less easily against even its own well being.

In a pleasingly humorous note to myself, this means that our advanced society is unmatched in history in the capability of manifesting the most ignorance anyone has ever seen in one place... faster than ever before.... and potentially for no substantial reason what so ever. (this does testify to the safety of our modern society in some ways, though)

Another danger I do admit to seeing within "over education" of the general populous - is that effect I had touched on pertaining to sudden changes. There is an element of preservation which must be acknowledged as well in my opinion. But again, such measures being implemented on and through the "ignorant" within the media. Instead of a guided course based on human element and interaction, we are experiencing the effect of supercharged - pseudo movements/promotions through the automated workings of that mechanism.

It is a balancing act of sorts and I realize it takes no genius to see that..... but it is one that seems to be as a great imbalance in progress.

From what I have experienced, much of that dynamic is derived from a lack of depth in understanding, misunderstanding and purposeful effort - "trying" to make it do what you want - what you have been conditioned to expect in and from that "automated/celebrity" motion and aspect. ~

Perhaps it is that there are those who would argue that such was set forward with the goal of entire automation in mind, as if the idea and concept were hewed in stone to such desired outcome. As if such should be interpreted in a likewise manner.

In my opinion, such is very much not the case. Factually, from my point of view, the intention was to eventually hone the workings to coincide with normal living - such is my understanding of the "automated" qualities within it.

The idea and concept of government existing in the "third Degree Of Civilization," is very much that.

It is no physical structure. No hard line concept. No rigid permanence, as it were - in order to be adaptable to the developments over time to mirror - without inversion, the tone and timbre of the society governing itself through it up to even the minute.

  • - explore the "expansion" of body of government to include "levels" of representation without removing the "promise" of prosperity or equality. Interacting, inter working "levels" of society - still omitting "birthright positions" as well as that "Roman" style of segregation within "commerce/power." Perhaps better described as "district/division" aspects at even the highest levels?* - Even perhaps to the degree of constitutional law as well as legal proceedings - entire legal systems independent of one another within that larger motion - serving their particular "level" and body of laws (more diverse and less "linear" than is the idea of "states") ~ Pro-active points and contrary points ~ As example; what is established within the United States is "geographic." What I explore in this thought for instance, is more "social" non-segregated interaction. Within "states" for example would be the opportunity to establish "socially" similar respects as are statehood's - ones peers so to speak, as well as standards put forward in the larger body of peers. This still being different than is/was the ideas of "counties."

*If not more particularly at the highest levels, further insuring voice for more people through the employ of "work shifts" of representation for instance, as per and in relation to said differences in society. Further expanding the stage of communication to include those between "shifts" as well as issues within said "shifts." Visually represented this would be similar to a "cross hairs" configuration in shift division and party line division - in the larger sense. Things such as filibuster simply hold at the "shift change(s)." Then of course added "sessions" and sessions sections to accommodate inter-shift communication. This format perhaps in all branches.


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